#st4 vol 2 spoilers
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foreverautumn89 · 21 days ago
This better be a really bad joke. I'm a real Stonathan shipper and I didn't just make over 150[and counting] Stonathan Analysis posts on this side blog for nothing. And that doesn't even include all the headcanons ext ext on this main blog.
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I agree there aren't many Stonathan fans, but saying that any Stonathan fans now a days aren't 'real fans' is bs. I'd say the Stonathan fans that ARE STILL AROUND are the 'real fans' [vs the ones from years ago] because after all these years, they still support the ship meaning that the Stonathan fans still around THEY are the real fans cause they're still here after all this time.
I've been a Stonathan fan since the show came out and I'm still a fan of the ship. Meanwhile all the 'real fans' [according to them] jumped ship A LONG TIME AGO and were only shipping what was popular at the time, meaning they're the ones that are not real fans. Only doing something because its popular at the time is the definition of 'not being a real fan' of it.
I spend months editing/perfecting/and posting the analysis and spent years getting it all together... and writing headcanons, fics, ext ext making all this Stonathan content, analyzing it, reblogging, posting about it non stop and after all that to be told I'm not a 'real fan'....
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rainingongallifrey · 2 years ago
Okay I'm giving up on doing this on my own and asking everyone directly..... I'm not an expert on how this site works. I'm trying to see the old posts in the Stonathan tag from years and years ago. Is there any way to do this?
For example if I wanted to see posts from 2017 is there any way to do that or at least a short cut to get there? Thank you in advance. 😁
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byler-alarmist · 2 years ago
Melvins when they think they did something
Glad the post resonated enough with you to inbox me. Thanks for the ask!!
If I said that Eddie's "I love you" to Dustin in the same episode as Mike's monologue was a reminder that not all love confessions are romantic.....
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tal-vez-o-quizas · 2 years ago
I don't know what am I going to do when the table read video for ST5 is released.
With movies and tv shows, I HATE seeing behind the scenes pictures, or videos while it's being made because it breaks the "magic", so to speak.
I love seeing that stuff after I have watched the movie or tv show.
You guys don't know how much I enjoyed ST4 when it premiered: I had no idea what was going to happen, except for the things we saw on the first trailer (I hate watching second trailers). I had so much fun watching Vol 1 on May 27th of last year.
I wasn't part of Byler Tumblr either, so... Less expectations.
Lots of trailers nowadays show so much of the story and it irks me. As of late, I'm just watching teasers cause I like to be surprised. Or I don't watch the trailer at all.
Should I close the Tumblr App on my phone and stop visiting the Byler tag for a few months or should I stay and see all the craziness that will happen?
I actually hated seeing the spoiler video of Mike and Will on the sofa before Vol 2 premiered, lol. I was like "Ugh, no!" but the damage was done after it showed up on my Dashboard :(
So, my dilemma is basically:
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the-archxr · 3 years ago
my soul left my body when eddie said “dontcha, big boy”
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nymphapunkcake · 3 years ago
spoilers st4 vol 2
Here is my release before I go to see The Umbrella Academy to relax and clear my mind of so much suffering.
Let's be completely and openly honest. Beyond our anger...
WHAT AN UNNECESSARY AND SILLY DEATH OF EDDIE MUNSON. He not only was she the purest and best person in the universe. Also, his death was COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE and the Duffer brothers didn't even have the dignity to clear the character's name. Okay, I get it, people die, Eddie didn't have superpowers, and he was so good that he didn't know how to think about himself, only about others… But AT LEAST CLEAR HIS NAME, LEAVE HIS POOR UNCLE IN PIECE. BULLSHIT WITH THE REFERENCES TO THE REALITY IN THE EIGHTIES, IT IS ALREADY CLEAR. I feel like it's a death they're going to regret eventually... Also, for the cherry on the cake, it's like the third or fourth time they use the same formula for a new character. It ends up being predictable. If they introduce someone in the fifth season, I don't care if he is the fucking president of the USA, for me he will die lol. I'm upset, but more than anything I think because his death was super avoidable, it could not happen without any problem. Eddie will remain in our hearts, we truly know that he was always a true hero.
PD: I had joked that if Eddie died, I was going to tattoo him on myself…..
I'm not kidding at all rn.
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dallasbyersclub · 3 years ago
POV: stranger things season 4 vol2 airs. mike wheeler comes out as bisexual. #diversitywin. he's still in love with eleven and tells her he loves her and that the reason he had trouble saying it was because of toxic masculinity but he's over that now and ready to be open with his feelings. #diversitywin. will comes out as gay confesses to mike #diversitywin but then immediately dies but it's not bury your gays because we've just unlocked a new bisexual character so he's expendable now so it's still a #diversitywin. it's implied heavily that steve might have a thing for eddie but then he immediately dies so it's still a #diversitywin. robin gets a girlfriend that we've never even heard of before and is barely a character and exists just to be a love interest #diversitywin. eddie black handkerchief munson doesn't come out but they continue to sprinkle in fruity moments as a "nod to our astute audience" #diversitywin. max reveals she's been latina all along #diversitywin dustin converts to catholicism for suzie #diversitywin murray comes out as gay #diversitywin all the girls in the show have an avengers-endgame-girlboss-moment #diversitywin argyle comes out as a furry. hashtag. diversity. win. the duffer brothers pat themselves on the back for being so woke. millions die
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melancholyofautvmn · 3 years ago
byler tumblr wrote a waaayyyy better vol. 2 than the duffers.
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jovalencia · 2 years ago
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they’re artists!
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allonzy · 3 years ago
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blitzstoneduh · 3 years ago
me since July 1: so is Mike in love with Will or are the Duffer Brothers bad at writing
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kittenkatbar · 3 years ago
actually can’t wait for the day mike remembers that el said the painting was for someone will liked, but will said el commissioned the painting.. and his oblivious lil brain causes him to freak out about it
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sunniesapphic · 3 years ago
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taking a break from my gay wrath over byler to celebrate them surviving the season!!!! at least there's that<3
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siriusly-mooned · 3 years ago
Just experienced my first queerbait that I was alive and active for 😀👍
Finally understand the destiel despair, I'm sorry yall had to go thru that
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the-archxr · 3 years ago
can we talk about how mr and mrs wheeler like didn’t decide to haul ass out of that town??
cause like I genuinely thought that’s what they were doing with the boxes, but then they just ended up giving them away for donation to that relief thingie?
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nymphapunkcake · 3 years ago
new pic
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Imagine you're who's taking the photo
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